Last Tuesday, I was having a really tough day; I felt down and just wanted to cry. I felt the need to hide under the duvet in a warm and safe cocoon and shut out the world around me. The fact that it was chucking itself down outside didn’t help; #whereisthesunshine!! But I felt under pressure to get up and work, or at the very least do something! The “shoulds” starting kicking in... I should be working… I should be doing the housework… I should be dealing with this like a grown up... I shouldn’t be lying in bed and hiding from the world...
So, I made myself get up and tried to work. But nothing was flowing, even after a relaxation meditation and copious cups of tea. And I was getting more and more frustrated with myself, which simply added to those feelings of wanting to hide away. So basically, I felt crap and cried even more!
That afternoon I had a chat with my coach (yes, I have my own personal life coach too and she is amazing!) and told her I just wanted to hide under the duvet. And she asked me such a simple question... “Can you?” As in “..can you go back to bed and hide under the duvet…” And it really stopped me in my tracks and made me think...
Could I go back to bed and hide under my duvet?
Did I really need permission to have a “duvet day”?

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